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Self Directed Project:

PCOS Awareness Campaign

I took this project a lot more seriously than other pieces I've been working on recently because this is a self negotiated brief that I chose to create and work on myself. I wanted to create an awareness campaign for PCOS as it is something that I have personal connections with and I wanted to use my design skills to help fix a problem. I created 3 different touch-point outcomes for this project:

APP : A free app that can track periods and ovulation, explain different symptoms and treatments and a GP finder.  


Leaflets: Informational leaflets that can give simple advice.These would be stocked in doctors waiting rooms and school nurse offices.


Posters: Promotional posters to create initial awareness of PCOS. Ideally hung in private areas such as female public toilets. A set of 6 - each with a different popular potential symptom of PCOS.

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